While some people tend to express their disapproval, others like me try to paste a false smile on their faces and hide the hatred in some deep corner of our hearts/minds.
See, here's my point. The grudge will eventually pass, and then all I'll be left with is one more enemy. Not good. Especially since the world is a very tiny place where everyone knows everyone! :|
What if my first perception of this person I apparently hate is wrong, and changes after a while, and I need them to take over the world? What shall I do then if I've been rude to them?
That is why I will keep on smiling at everyone*. ^_^
So, my very countable readers, tell me this. Am I hypocrite, or a diplomat?
*except Gaga&Biryani's spawn.
depending on who, what, where and when....i let em know i don't like em...other times it's just not worth my heart to give the time of day to a situation or person that doesn't deserve to be acknowledged-
i'm good with who i vent about, who i'm rude to and who i show no time of day to. you'll know when to blow the horn...or not to....trust me!
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