The image is a question posted on Yahoo! Answers. The text in the image is:
"Can eating live goldfish be dangerous?
I'm raising money for a missions trip and this seems like a good idea to raise funds at my church. For even fifty dollars I raise I will eat a gold fish! Is this dangerous I'm pretty fearless?
For all you animal activist:
Keep your coments to your self about it being cruel the thing doesn't even know what is happening it doesn't have a soul. Oh and by the way in the bible it says we have power over animals!
For all you animal activist:
Keep your coments to your self about it being cruel the thing doesn't even know what is happening it doesn't have a soul. Oh and by the way in the bible it says we have power over animals!
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guys an animal is an animal! When it dies it goes no where. When you where little and your mom said your dog went to heven your mom lied!! Sorry but animals don't have a thought process some may but I highly doubt a goldfish does!
1 year ago"
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