First of all, I am really sorry my (one, two, three) readers, for posting after such a long break. It's because my laptop had to go for repair, and I don't feel comfortable blogging from somewhere else. It's like hosting a party at someone else's home. Doesn't feel quite right inside my head. Weird, I know.
Getting to the actual thought behind this post. I've had it for quite a while. A week or maybe more than that since I visited the place I'm talking about then. So here goes.
A new super market has opened up near my place, and by near I mean one minute walk. I like visiting it a lot. I'm usually not into shopping for groceries and stuff but this market is...appealing. To all of my senses. It looks colourful and bright. Its new so there isn't a crowd of obnoxious shoppers pushing against you and the best of all is the smell. The smell of candy and air conditioning and shampoos and beauty products.
I rarely ever buy anything expensive. Elaborate shopping just once a couple of months. But I always buy Nestle' Yoghurt 25 gms. Always. The cashier probably recognises me now by that little thing.
This particular time of which I am talking about, I had one of my strange chocolate fits. And once I had scanned the scarily huge candy aisle my craving had been sedated. Suddenly, my eyes came across a tiny little green packet of unfamiliar bitter and mint chocolate. Of course its a bad idea trying out new flavours especially when you don't trust the manufacturer but I was feeling very adventurous and I bought the suspicious looking little box. I found it nice. Not delicious. Not yummy. Not something you'd want over and over. But it was my little adventure, my little decision, my bitterness to digest. So I did it with happiness, and enjoyed every bit of the chocolate.
Point to this post: Nothing, really. Unless you go wayyyy deep and take this as some samurai master's life lesson to be learnt by chocolate.
P.s. I once read in Young Times that chocolate can kill cats. I don't know if thats true but it surely is interesting. Makes the flavour 'death by chocolate' much more literal.
Wow. This turned out pretty random. =__=
I don't think its true - this one time someone told me she fed her cat chocolates when it got sick. so.
And I so totally get that feeling - the one where samurai wants to emerge, but not quite :P
Thanks mdd, for clearing that up :))
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