Tl;dr Stop blaming the world for your failures.
I understand, the world is a cruel place. But if you keep playing the blame game with society, you'll just end up sad, bitter and alone.
Having said that, there are genuine a-holes in everyone's lives. Identify them. The ones who keep putting you down for no reason. Get rid of the bullies.
Next, analyze why you feel like 'no one likes me' or why 'no one wants to be my friend'.
Most often, insecurities and complexes tend to make a person build a wall around themselves. This wall radiates vibes that others can pick up, mostly through body language and facial expressions. So by doing this, you essentially take the first step in building discomfort.
The best thing you could do is try to figure out why you think no one likes you and then change yourself for the better.
So the next time you feel like you have 'sooo much love to give' or are a completely altruistic angel of a person, think again. You're probably a selfish whiny bitch. Much like the ones you hate.
Disclaimer: This is not aimed towards any specific person. If you think this is about you, you're being paranoid. See? This is why no one likes you.
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