Remember how I talked about having a resolutions list here? Better late than never.
Okay so I know these are some very basic things that we should do but sadly most of us don't. Let's hope we can learn from our past mistakes and revamp our future.
1. I won't litter.
2. I won't discriminate on the basis of cast, social status, religion or colour.
3. I'll be nice to people solely because they are humans, are God's creations and fellow Pakistanis.
4. My loyalty to my country will always come before my loyalty to my family and I, and after loyalty to my religion.
5. I won't critisize anything or anyone if I can't help make a change.
6. I will not spend money on going out and having iftaar. I will instead donate it to the flood victims.
7. I will request my friends to gift me cash this year on my birthday (26th Aug ^^) which I will donate to the flood victims.
8. I will craft my future keeping in mind not only my own benefits, but also my country's.
9. I will make intelligent and not emotional moves in order to serve my country. Enough 'feel good' activities. I will take practical steps to ensure a better Pakistan, one where I am safe and proud to bring my children up.
10. I will educate at the least one person on how they are important in bringing about a change, and hope for a chain reaction.
Lastly, I would like to thank the many people who inspire me everyday, by keeping alive the hope that our country will reach the top. The ones who work tirelessly and selflessly for its' betterment and who are such amazing Pakistanis, that they make me proud of being a Pakistani too. =]
Faisal Qureshi, Dr. Adeeb Rizvi and his team at SIUT, Bemisal Iqbal and the whole Jaag team, Ahsan Kidwai and his whole ASA team, Tehniat Aftab, Maliha Ali and countless more I meet everyday. I know you guys won't read this (esp Dr. Adeeb) but I just wanted to thank you for being your awesome selves, and please keep doing what you do, since you inspire so many others.
hope u implement them :)
I honestly do admire the things you listed above, especially numbers 6,7,10. if there's a will,there's a way. I hope you do achieve what you want for your country,God be with you!
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