Its 4:37 am and I'm having fake hunger pangs. You see I call them fake since I already had my dinner and these are just being stimulated by my mind since my heart really really loves this food. Its like when I see a hot guy on tv, and I know its not love, but my heart still tries to pretend its love to fill that tiny little space reserved for teenage hormonal activity.
So heres the food that I desire would appear in front of me right now. But I'm grateful its not, since my diet is going pretty well and I don't want to gain those pounds again. Its a weird combination though.
Salad- Pizza Hut
Chicken Wings
Choco Mousse
Pistachio Ice cream
Sadly, I cant have everything in life. If I could, Miley Cyrus wouldn't still be breathing and I would be driving around in a GT Carrera. Oh God that is one smokin' car.
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